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This is an initial checklist for a temporary resident (super) visa application. We may request additional documents based on the need for your application and current requirements.

You must be outside of Canada to apply for a super visa. If you are already in Canada, you should consider applying for a visitor record (visitor status extension) instead.
Super visa allows parents/grandparents to stay in Canada for up to 5 years with a possibility of renewal for another 2 years.

Standard Documents

Valid Passport – all biography, signature pages and pages with any visa and stamps (if applicable)
Digital Photo – click here for photographs specifications
Complete the Applicant Details Form at website
Complete the Family Information Form at website
Representative Submission Letter (to be provided by YCI before submission)
Use of Representative Form IMM5476 (to be provided by YCI before submission)
Marriage licence/certificate or Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (if applicable)
Travel History (if applicable, such as boarding passes)
Proof of relationship with the inviter host in Canada

Examples include birth certificate, bio pages of inviter host’s passports showing parents’ information

Proof of medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company

– must be valid for one year from the date of entry

– at least $100,000 emergency coverage

– premium to be paid in full or instalments with a deposit (quotes not accepted)

– covers health care, hospitalization and repatriation

Immigration Medical Exam
Find a panel physician near you – click here

Financial Documents

You can include financial documents for both the applicant and spouse.

Account Statements for 6 months
Proof of employment income such as pay stubs, employment letter (if applicable)
Proof of retirement and pension (if applicable)
Investments like Fixed Deposits (FDs), Bonds, Stocks
Savings and Investments in Children’s Name (if applicable)
Rental Income Proof (if applicable)
Income Tax Filing Documents (3 years recommended)
Net Worth Certificate
Property Valuation (Not applicable if obtaining a net worth certificate)

Documents from Host

Host is your child or grandchild who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

Letter of Invitation

For person being invited: complete name, date of birth, address and telephone number, your relationship to the person, the purpose of the trip, how long the person plans to stay in Canada, where the person will stay, and how he or she will pay for things, and when the person plans to leave Canada.

For person writing the letter: complete name, date of birth, address and telephone numbers in Canada, job title, immigration status in Canada, details of family including name and date of birth of spouse and dependents, total number of people living in the household including people who are being sponsored.

Immigration Status in Canada: such as Canadian birth certificate, citizenship certificate, PR card or CoPR
Proof that the host meets minimum necessary income

– Notice of Assessment (NOA) or T4/T1 for the most recent tax year

– Employment Insurance Benefit statements

– employment letter including salary, job title, job description, and date of hiring

– pay stubs

– bank statements

– statements of any other savings and investments (if applicable)

Dependents Documents

Applicable when you are applying with dependent spouse and/or children

Dependent Spouse

Valid Passport – all biography, signature pages and pages with any visa and stamps (if applicable)
Digital Photo – click here for photographs specifications
Complete the Applicant Details Form at website
Complete the Family Information Form at website
Travel History (if applicable, such as boarding passes)
Proof of relationship with the inviter host in Canada

Examples include birth certificate, bio pages of inviter host’s passports showing parents’ information

Proof of medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company

– must be valid for one year from the date of entry

– at least $100,000 emergency coverage

– premium to be paid in full or instalments with a deposit (quotes not accepted)

– covers health care, hospitalization and repatriation

Immigration Medical Exam
Find a panel physician near you – click here
πŸ‘‰ Signature Authorization (optional): please provide a good-quality clear copy of your signature on a plain white paper with blue ball pen. This will allow us to digitally insert your signature, saving trees and time. Alternative, you may decide to manually sign the application forms and send us scan or paper copies.

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