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Work Permit Renewal
If you want to continue working after your work permit expires, you need to extend your work permit. If you apply before your permit expires, you can continue to work under the same conditions as your current work permit until the IRCC decides.
Work permit renewal – may be a requirement, not an option.
When does my work permit expire?
The expiry date of your work permit is indicated on your work permit.
When should I renew my work permit?
IRCC urges that you must apply for your work permit renewal at least 30 days before the original expiry date. If you are later than the 30 day time, you can still apply before the expiry date on your current work permit. It is important to note that you must need to satisfy the eligibility criteria for a work permit renewal. For example, must be eligible for an open work permit or must have a positive LMIA issued to the employer.
Did your work permit expire already? Your must restore your work permit. A renewal application maybe refused.
Work Permit Restoration
You lose your worker status in Canada if any of the following applies to you:
- Your work permit expired before you applied for a new one.
- You changed the conditions on your work permit, such as you changed your employer while being on a closed work permit.
- You didn’t respect the conditions of your work permit.
Once you lose your status, you can’t work in Canada until the IRCC has restored your status as a worker.
Once your work permit is expired, you have 90 days to restore your status. You cannot continue to work until your restoration application is approved.
Our Service Fees For Work Permit Renewals and Restorations
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